Anissa Hartline Orsino Voice Studio

Hi, I’m Anissa. When people learn that I’m a singer, I find they are typically pretty self-deprecating regarding their own singing voices. I frequently hear:

I can’t carry a tune in a bucket.

Cover your ears once I start singing, Anissa.

Oh, I can’t sing.

The prevailing opinion seems to be that singing talent is purely a matter of genetics—it’s either an inherent gift you’re born with or something you’re lacking. As someone who has both taken and taught hundreds of singing lessons, I can assure you that singing is a learned skill like any other. Certainly, having a natural aptitude is helpful, but anyone can learn to sing more skillfully, more confidently, and, yes, more beautifully. In twenty years of teaching lessons, I have yet to meet a hopeless case. So, how about it?

  • Do you wish you could proudly serenade a loved one with “Happy Birthday”?
  • Have you always wanted to sing out when worshipping with your congregation?
  • Do you secretly dream of auditioning for a school or community musical or chorus?

Why not make this the year you discover your gift?

Contact Anissa